Joseph Smith - um caçador de tesouros?
Tradução: Stephen Adams
Joseph Smith gastou sua juventude à procura de tesouros escondidos. Ele tinha várias pedras de cores diferentes que se pareciam com uma bola de cristal. Isto não era incomum em sua época e no lugar onde vivia. Ele ganhou dinheiro sendo empregado como um adivinhador. Um de seus clientes brigou com ele e o acusou num tribunal por fraude e engano.
A Igreja Mórmon sempre disse esta era uma história feita pelos inimigos da igreja para desacreditar Joseph Smith, e pediu prova. Aqui está.
Esta é uma cópia da acusação no tribunal (em inglês):
"Warrant issued upon written complaint upon oath of Peter G. Bridgeman, who informed that one Joseph Smith of Bainbridge was a disorderly person and an impostor."
"Prisoner brought before Court March 20, 1826. Prisoner examined: says that he came from the town of Palmyra, and had been at the house of Josiah Stowell in Bainbridge most of the time since; had small part of time been employed by said Stowel on his farm, and going to school. That he had a certain stone which he had occasionally looked at to determine where hidden treasures in the bowels of the earth were; that he professed to tell in this manner where gold mines were a distance under ground, and had looked for Mr. Stowel several times, and had informed him where he could find these treasures, and Mr. Stowel had been engaged in digging for them. That at Palmyra he pretended to tell by looking at this stone where coined money was buried in Pennsylvania, and while at Palmyra had frequently ascertained in that way where lost property was of various kinds; that he had occasionally been in the habit of looking through this stone to find lost property for three years, but of late had pretty much given it up on account of its injuring his health, especially his eyes, making them sore; that he did not solicit business of this kind, and had always rather declined having anything to do with this business. "Josiah Stowel sworn: says that prisoner had been at his house something like five months; had been employed by him to work on farm part of time; that he pretended to have skill of telling where hidden treasures in the earth were by means of looking through a certain stone; that prisoner looked for him sometimes; once to tell him about money buried in Bend Mountain in Pennsylvania, once for gold on Monument Hill, and once for a salt spring; and that he positively knew that the prisoner could tell, and did possess the art of seeing those valuable treasures through the medium of said stone; that he found the (word illegible) at Bend and Monument Hill as prisoner represented it; that prisoner had looked through said stone for Deacon Attleton for a mine, did not exactly find it, but got a p-----(word unfinished) of ore which resembled gold, he thinks; that prisoner had told by means of this stone where a Mr. Bacon had buried money; that he and prisoner had been in search of it; that prisoner had said it was in a certain root of a stump five feet from surface of the earth, and with it would be found a tail feather; that said Stowel and prisoner thereupon commenced digging, found a tail feather, but the money was gone; that he supposed the money moved down. That prisoner did offer his services; that he never deceived him; that prisoner looked through stone and described Josiah Stowel's house and outhouses, while at Palmyra at Simpson Stowel's, correctly; that he had told about a painted tree, with a man's head painted upon it, by means of said stone. That he had been in company with prisoner digging for gold, and had the most implicit faith in prisoner's skill. "Arad Stowel sworn; says that he went to see whether prisoner could convince him that he possessed the skill he professed to have, upon which prisoner laid a book upon a white cloth, and purposed looking through another stone which was white and transparent, hold the stone to the candle, turn his head to book, and read. The deception appeared so palpable that witness went off disgusted. "McMaster sworn; says he went with Arad Stowel, and likewise came away disgusted. Prisoner pretended to him that he could discover objects at a distance by holding this white stone to the sun or candle; that prisoner rather declined looking into a hat at his dark coloured stone, as he said that it hurt his eyes."
"Jonathan Thompson says that prisoner was requested to look for a chest of money; did look, and pretended to know where it was; and prisoner, Thompson, and Yeomans went in search of it; that Smith arrived at spot first; was at night; that smith looked at hat while there, and when very dark, and told how the chest was situated. After digging several feet, struck upon something sounding like a board or plank. Prisoner would not look again, pretending that he was alarmed on account of the circumstances relating to the trunk being buried, [which], came all fresh to his mind. That the last time he looked he discovered distinctly the two Indians who buried the trunk, that a quarrel ensued between them,and that one of said Indians was killed by the other, and thrown into the hole beside the trunk, to guard it, as he supposed."
Thompson says that he believed in the prisoner's professed skill; that the board which he struck his spade upon was probably the chest, but on account of an enchantment the trunk kept settling away from them while digging; that notwithstanding they continued constantly removing the dirt, yet the trunk kept about the same distance from them. Says prisoner said that it appeared to him that salt might be found at Bainbridge, and that he is certain that prisoner can divine things by means of said stone. That as evidence of the fact prisoner looked into his hat to tell him about some money witness lost sixteen years ago, and that he described the man that witness supposed had taken it, and the disposition of the money; "And therefore the court find the defendant guilty."
Costs: Warrant, 19c. Complaint upon oath, 25 1/2c. Seven witnesses, 87 1/2c. Recognisances, 25c. Mittimus, 19c. Recognisances of witnesses, 75c. Supoena, 18c.--$2.68."
Fonte: Fraser's Magazine, Feb. 1873, 229 - 230.
A Igreja mórmon sempre disse que este artigo não prova nada e que onde estaria o documento do tribunal?
O apóstolo mórmon John A. Widstoe disse "este alegado registro de tribunal parece ser uma tentativa literária de um inimigo para ridicularizar Joseph Smith reunindo todos os boatos que havia naquela época fazendo parecer como se ele estivesse confessando isto...inclusive não há nenhuma prova de que houve tal julgamento".
Fonte: Joseph Smith -- Seeker After Truth, Salt Lake City: 78.
Em 1971 o pesquisador Wesley P. Walters achou um documento do juiz Albert Neeley mostrando os custos envolvidos em vários julgamentos em 1826. O quinto menciona o julgamento de "Joseph Smith, o Adivinhador". Este documento mostra que o julgamento ocorreu em 20 de março de 1826. Esta é a mesma data do artigo da revista Fraser.
Veja o registro do tribunal pelo juiz Albert Neeley.
Antes que esta descoberta fosse feita, as autoridades de Igreja disseram isto:
"Um estudo cuidadoso de todos os fatos a respeito desta alegada confissão de Joseph Smith em um tribunal, que ele tinha usado uma pedra de vidente para achar tesouros escondidos de modo fraudulento, deve chegar à conclusão que nunca ouve tal registro e portanto, nunca existisse alguma evidência de que Joseph Smith usou uma pedra de vidente para praticar fraude e engano, especialmente o se tivesse feito esta confissão em um tribunal já em 1826, ou quatro anos antes do Livro de Mórmon er impresso e esta confissão estava em um registro de tribunal, teria sido impossível para ele ter organizado a Igreja restaurada." Fonte: A New Witness For Christ In America, Salt Lake City: Vol. 1, 385-387. |